MEDICAL SECRETARY +33 (0)4 92 41 68 38
+33 (0)4 92 41 68 67 (Home Hygiene Care)
Fax +33 (0)4 92 41 68 39
Email contact.hadsad@chpg.mc (secure document exchanges via the BlueFiles system)
OPENING HOURS 7.20am to 6.10pm
Head of Service
Pathologies treated Home Hospital Care:

  • All patients requiring technical, rehabilitation and relational treatment involving multidisciplinary care (other than the following pathologies: major psychiatry, tuberculosis, serious respiratory insufficiency, at-home haemodialysis).


Home Nursing Care:

Patients requiring assistance with hygiene and comfort.

Activities Home Hospital Care:

  • Home hospital care structures provide patients with continuous and coordinated medical and paramedical treatment at their home, for a limited period which may be revised depending on changes in their condition. This treatment differs from ordinary home care in the complexity and frequency of interventions.
  • * The structure is activated in response to a request made in a treatment protocol issued by a general practitioner or hospital doctor. The request is submitted to the coordinating physician and healthcare executive, who will evaluate the feasibility of home care, and requires the agreement of the social insurance bodies and the patient’s chosen GP.


Home Nursing Care:

  • This service provides elderly patients (aged 60 and over, except with special dispensation) who have suffered a loss of autonomy, are dependent or ill, with assistance with personal hygiene and comfort, as well as nursing care.
  • It is also intended to help patients regain a greater level of autonomy.
  • The service allows patients to remain at home, working alongside their family and in conjunction with other home care organisations and healthcare professionals.
  • The structure is activated in response to a request and a treatment protocol issued by a general practitioner or hospital doctor. The request is submitted to the coordinating physician and healthcare executive, after agreement from the social insurance bodies and the patient’s chosen GP.

Home Hygiene Care:

  • The role of this service is to meet part of the requirements for home hygiene assistance for persons residing in the Principality, whose level of dependency is classified GIR 1 or 2, and also in response to emergency admissions at the request of the Monegasque Gerontology Coordination Centre (CCGM).
  • The service is part of the global health policy for elderly persons in Monaco. It represents a key component of geriatric care.
  • Care is provided by auxiliary nurses and a coordinating nurse.
  • The service operates 7 days a week, from 8am to 8pm.
  • It is organised according to the dependency profile of patients requiring the intervention of one or two healthcare personnel simultaneously.
  • Visits are arranged taking into account the patient’s level of dependency, living habits, the healthcare personnel and the location of patients, to optimise travelling times.  Occasional one-off readjustments may be made to satisfy these requirements as efficiently as possible.
Medical team

Staff Physician

  • Dr Sophie MUXEL

GP chosen by the patient (supervising and prescribing physician) in conjunction with the coordinating home hospital or home nursing care doctor and the relevant staff physicians.

Paramedical team

Senior Healthcare Executive:

  • Mrs Monique LIPRANDI

Healthcare Executive :

  • Mrs Aline FISCHER
Special provisions
  • The patient must be resident in Monaco.
  • Care may be complemented by a home help, meals on wheels, personal alarm, etc.
  • Home Nursing Care Service: the auxiliary nurse visits once daily at times arranged according to the service’s patient list. Hygiene assistance may also be provided in the afternoons.
  • A nurse may visit to administer treatment.
  • Home Hospital Care: the nurse visits twice daily, sometimes accompanied by an auxiliary nurse. A third party (family or stranger) must be present 24 hours a day.
  • Home Nursing Care service: 40 beds.
  • Home Hospital Care: 10 beds.

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